jeudi 2 septembre 2010

Scion tC "Take On the Machine" Augmented Reality Game

Along with Scion, ATTIK recently launched the campaign's "Take On the Machine" Augmented Reality Game at (look for the "Augmented Reality" tab at the top), where for the very first time in a commercial game, an AR marker is used as the steering wheel to drive a car. A Spectacular print ad is appearing in the September issues of Inked, Giant Robot, Juxtapoz, XLR8R, Dsport, Modified and a few other magazines, where the ads feature a removable AR marker. Here are links to 72dpi versions of that ad, and the marker you can print out to play along:

Players can use the marker or their keyboards and then enter their best scores into the global or Facebook Friends' leaderboards.

Overview of Scion tC "Take On the Machine" Augmented Reality Game from ATTIK on Vimeo.

Game design credits go to North Kingdom, while 3D graphics are courtesy of Filterfilm, sound was designed by Audio Alliance, and Dataduktus provided backend programming. The artists at Face the Music created campaign's original music.

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